Let It Be sound and lyrics (open every blue item in a new small window)
1. Read the lyrics.
2. Listen to the song, while reading the lyrics again.
3. Read the lyrics aloud, alone or in pairs.
4. Speaking: Look at the lyrics. Ask and / or answer the following questions.
Work alone or with a partner. Don’t write anything down.
5. Listen to the song again and fill in the Gaps exercise.
- Who comes in times of trouble?
- What kind of words does she speak?
- Where is she in his hour of darkness?
- In which soft form does she say the words of wisdom?
- When will there be an answer?
- What happens when they may be parted?
- What happens when the night is cloudy?
- What does he wake up to?
- What happens then?
10.How would you translate ‘let it be’ in your language?
Listen to and read about: Let it be
Writing: Tell in about 50 words about dreaming. This may be general knowledge or maybe you would like to talk about personal experiences.
Grammar: WILL - FUTURE 1 WILL - FUTURE 2 GOING TO - FUTURE 1 There will be an answer.
Wikipedia Chords Karaoke Best Beatles songs nr 8 lyricstraining let it be
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